典型的早期日式朋克电影,黑白影像+连续而晃动的手提摄影+朋克乐,石井当年就是以此片出道的。。。 This extremely hectic and nearly headache-inducing short by the Japanese punk demigod Sogo Ishii is definitely one of the craziest and most experimental art-house movies I ever had the pleasure of seeing on a big screen (during a special revolving on the director). After the two hugely different but already influential long-feature films "Panic High School" and "Crazy Thunder Road", Ishii finally made the punk-short he clearly dreamed of making ever since the beginning. "Shuffle" is based on comic strip and doesn't really have a story to tell. The camera just very creatively follows a man as he's running out of his apartment and down the streets. He's running from the cops, because he murdered his girlfriend, but he's also running towards the pimp who stole her from him, for vengeance. 30 minutes of playtime only to depict a man running down some streets seems long, but Ishii somehow manages to make it fascinating by presenting a non-stop series of imaginative camera tricks, lighting techniques and unique sound-editing. The visuals are groundbreaking and far ahead of their time. The colors continuously fade out and back in, the camera is put in every possible perspective there is and the music is really loud and stimulating. "Shuffle" often looks like an exercise for Ishii's next big project "Burst City" and it definitely was a great source of influence for future Asian filmmakers like Takashi Miike and Shinya Tsukamoto. You can't really call it a great film, because there are almost no dialogs or character drawings, but it surely guarantees half a hour of adrenalin-rushing spectacle.
《洗牌》是一部制作精良的日本短片,无论是剧情,还是演员的演技,都表现得十分出色,堪称佳作。就连我都觉得这部影片没有配角。人人都有出彩之处,但不得不说,即使这个再牛逼, 看过后我也觉得很不舒服,脑袋也很痛。精致的背后我只感觉到矫情,还是他妈的矫情短片里的故事只会发生在短片里 一颗星!
A devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City on Black Friday, and one by one, basic service。 《洗牌》其他的名字都不记得,只记得这一部。该死,我还真想拍一部电影,干嘛,给以后看就像我这样。来不及了,书还没有读够。
真是对《洗牌》的期待太高,结果还是没能达到自己心中的期待。尽管影片中的角色多而不乱,多而不杂,细而不杂,人生若只如“初见”,那么…… 赵阳(赵阳饰),男,34岁,品貌端正,有房有车,未婚。相亲不下百次的他,早已不再相信爱情,反而以相亲为“爱好”。在一次次机械式的相亲过程中,他可以跟形形色色的不同女人打
由石井岳龙拍摄的短片看起来很长,让人不敢随便拿出来看,但一旦认真地坐下来,看完之后,总会发现,在他的电影里,要么你看到的是过去熟悉而又逝去的岁月,要么你看到了未来的自己,要么你看到了正在发生的一切。 影片里,一切都在变,变化多端的女人和江湖哥们义气,但是你又总是在变中发现,其实一切都没有变。